26 Weeks Pregnancy Update (Questions & Answers + Baby Bump!)

by - 23:58

Hi guys! I feel like I haven't written in a really long time. I'm so excited for when we move because I will have so many videos and blog posts I can make. From organising to decorating! Anyway, let's just get straight to this blog; 

How far along?: 26 weeks today. 26 + 1 day in 10 minutes. So I will probably be 26+1 weeks once this blog goes up.  
Total weight gain: Still around a stone, I think.
Maternity clothes?: Nope. I've managed to stick to leggings and vest tops for now, although my leggings look too short for me when I wear them. I think it's because they cover extra space so they become shorter? I know what I mean.
Stretch marks?: Not yet. I checked like yesterday, ha ha. 
    Sleep: I hate sleeping when pregnant, I'm not even gonna lie. Actually, I don't hate sleeping.. it's trying to fall asleep that I don't like and right now, every little noise seems to distract me!
Best moment this week: William pee-ing in his potty. We're currently potty training him, so that's fun, ha ha.
Miss anything?: The sun. It's away again. I feel like I'm constantly cold!
Food cravings: Not really.
Anything making you queasy or sick?  Nope.
Gender: Boy.
Labour signs: Nope, thank god! :)
Symptoms: Barely anything lately to be honest. Baby kicking, if that's even a symptom and my breasts leaking.
Belly button in or out? Still in, but it looks like the top half of it is ready to pop out. Fingers crossed it doesn't though!
Wedding rings on or off: My partner and I are happier than ever but no wedding rings, ha ha. Maybe one day :P
Happy or moody most of the time: I'm happy most of the time but the pregnancy hormones have definitely took over these past two weeks as I've been crying at the stupidest things, it's actually funny!
Looking forward to: Still looking forward to moving, getting our new place painted and decorated and throwing a baby shower! Woohoo.

(Baby Bump at 26 weeks)

That's it for tonight guys and it's not midnight yet so technically this blog post isn't late!!

Baby dust from Me to You,
Love, Daria xoxo

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